I believe it’s time for the big money boosters to apply pressure on the administration to seriously get lawyers involved in renegotiating the buyout clause immediately.
It’s painfully obvious that Coach B isn’t going to succeed at Arkansas, get it worked out and let Enos coach the remainder of this season.
Then we get a search committee together that can take their time evaluating a wide range of possible Head Coaches that frost of all would want the job, because we have to be honest it’s not the high profile job that it once was.
We will ether have to zero in on a young up and coming coach with a good resume that wants to take on a challenge or we talk to coaches like Skip Holtz or Charlie Strong, that both have ties to the state or in Holtz case the Football Program.
I believe we seen enough of this garbage and the time is now!
If your Jeff Long you should meet him when the plane lands and have a long serious discussion tonight over a late dinner.
Ask him serious questions, does he really wanna do this anymore? Is his heart in it? And definitely negotiate a buy out, maybe Bret will agree to take less if he leaves now. Maybe not, but you most certainly HAVE to have the discussion NOW!
Why would Bielema renegotiate his buyout? He has all the power, the buyout is the only reason he has not been fired and if he is fired it is his big payday. No reason for him to renegotiate
I don’t think his coaching career would be over after here. There would definitely be some G5 schools interested. Any idea on how CBB getting fired and accepting a job with another program edfect the buyout?
The President of the university needs to meet with Long and ask him why he should be retained. He is the idiot who insisted on this contract so he has some major skin in this game. Long in no way will try to fire Bielema because that will validate this stupid deal. The President should clean house, AD down to strength coach!
Not trying to argue with you Balz (you’re correct both had to approve the decision), but 3-9, followed by 6-6 then a bowl got him a renegotiation and the buyout. Shouldn’t they have waited at least another year? Or was someone sniffing around trying to lure him away?
When it comes to business, anything and everything can be negotiated and renegotiated. What world have you been living in? Surely you’ve heard of contracts being altered at the drop of a hat in every sport on the planet. Everything in sports, entertainment and business is up for negotiation and renegotiation at anytime.
It certainly can be done, and by God it’s time it does get done. He shouldn’t be on the sidelines next Saturday, his tenure as HC has run its course.
This is completely his football team, no more excuses, no where to run and no one else to blame for his failure to build a competitive football team.
He has lost the full faith and confidence of the majority of the state and you will start seeing that by the number of empty seats at Donald Reynolds Razorback Stadium.
The relationship is beyond repair at this point and it’s time for both sides to part ways.
I’m not saying that Coach B isn’t a good guy, it has nothing to do with that.
He just simply can’t recruit at a level any better than 11th or 12th in the SEC conference and therefore he will never be able to produce or compete for Championships which is why he said he took the job.
He’s a good guy, it just didn’t work out.
Tough to say. When you think you have what it will take to succeed, then you hold on to it mightily. We all thought the team was competing back then, and fighting for everything. They were smash mouth football and they punished others, which kept them in the games till the end. Now - I don’t see that fight in them.
In no time ever have I seen a business contract renegotiated, whereby a party takes less without making it up later. In no way shape or form does this coach remove that clause, or lower it. Pride has nothing to do with a contract. You set the terms upfront, and you deal with the provisions. You might not like a portion of it, but you don’t get to just try and renegotiate it. Same with professional athletes. You sign it and get out of it what you put down.
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, so just put a lid on it!
Contracts are renegotiated all the time in business, entertainment, government and sports based on changes in circumstances, economics and production.
Dude. I’m a lawyer, and have been for over 20 years. I have brokered about 1,000-1,200 deals in my lifetime, with countless revisions. I’ve worked with 100’s of other lawyers during that time, and nobody has ever renegotiated a clause like the one you are referring to. Ever. You can ask any attorney on the face of this earth, and you won’t find one legal standing that will allow Arkansas to sway CBB from renegotiating that provision. Why would he? He has no reason to do so. This is an equal sum game, and you are bringing nothing to the table.
good stuff. We can agree that ‘renegotiation’ in this case likely means some … arrangement with regard to how and when any payout would be executed. Renegotiation, of course, isn’t likely to include CBB agreeing to take less money - as was suggested, no reason for him to do that (unless, well, maybe he takes some ownership of the persistent state of poor product he, and he alone, is responsible for). Oh Right. Not likely. But one has to think that where he’ll be at least 2-5 by the time Arkansas gets to five toss-em games, CBB is in trouble with the fan base, the U&A leadership, the Boosters, and worse, the players. Best of all worlds has Arkansas win 5 straight (we’ve seen this movie) to close out the season (4-1 is more likely), get to a bowl game at 7-5 / 6-6 and put off another year what no one can argument is the likely outcome - he leaves and the Hogs start over. I can’t see how that isn’t the end state coming sooner than later.
Forget about renegotiating. Fire him for not doing his job. Whether in writing or not, it is implied, that getting paid over $4 million per year, the coach do at least an average SEC coaching job. Clearly he is not doing his implied job. Let his sue. With his horrible record, what jury in Arkansas will believe he did the coaching job he was hire and paid to do.