New DC?

I have no clue what’s gonna happen with Robb Smith. I do know people have been speculating. What happens if Herman stays at Houston? Does Orgeron (players want him) stay at LSU? Looks like if Herman spurns Texass, the AD wants to keep Strong. That’s gonna be interesting. Would Houston then be a “destination” over LSU and Texass? Who would be left for us to look at?

I say we go after Grantham of Louisville! Lol just saying

That would be funny

Seriously Baked, How about Jim Reid of BC. He has Iowa ties. Also, Erik Chinader of UCF. He took over a defense ranked 114th last year, and has them currently at 35th in the country.

Defense looked absolutely clueless in the second half. Mo receivers had our secondary beat badly on several occasions. Pass rush was largely non-existent. Simply hope that CBB is waiting for the appropriate time to announce the search for a new DC.

Hey, guys, relax. On a positive note, at least we now know the winner of the worst defense in the SEC. We won’t have to wait until after the bowl games, either. So, at least that’s one trophy that the Hogs will be coming home with.

I hate to say it, but I don’t see how we can retain CRS after this year. If we would have had any kind of defense at all, I think we would have beat A&M and Mizzou.

We need a DC who understands the basic fundamentals of tackling and keeping in your defensive lanes. We also need a DC who understands that we need to recruit players with more speed. That means no more linebackers and defensive backs who constantly get beaten because they are not fast enough to cover SEC quality offensive players.

Bielema just said there would be no coaching changes. Next year there will be no scapegoats, it will be all on Bielema. Time for the boosters next year to weigh in!

We are playing some freshman on the D which will lead to a better D eventually, if we have a D coordinator that can coach them, at this point I’m unsure if we have that coach on staff. It also looks like in my opinion that we got away from our offensive plan today after half and started trying to hit home runs and ended up shooting ourselves in the foot. WPS

NO NEW COACHES. Extend all of these guys until they die of old age. It’s the loser players that Bert recruits. It’s not his fault they can’t win. He gives them helmets and uniforms and tells them to win. What else do you want from these coaches?

Stop, we’re getting our $4MM per year value, no?

the thing that disappoints me most is the lack of progression or even recession of our defensive backfield. i have no doubt the coach PR is a good coach, but for some reason things didnt click with those guys this year, or for that matter the last several years. we’ve really not had quality corners or safeties since Nutt left, and we had guys like Ahmad Carroll, Lawrence Richardson, Chris Houston and Ken Hamlin. once we jumped on MO it was predictable that the only chance they had was to go deep. we weren’t getting beat, we were getting torched by 3-5 yards every time. i can see biting on a pump fake on a double move once but not at will. ive got to think our coaches were telling them let them catch the 5 yarder and tackle them, idk maybe im giving them too much credit. i just dont see the progression in our secondary so thats where i think the change will b made.

Yep, we should fire the DC and start fresh cause we have nothing to lose on that side of the ball. Also, I think you’re right-we got away from the play action bread and butter we know the players have CONFIDENCE in. HOGS YA’LL.

It just might appear Long screwed up hiring Bielema and he will be reluctant to fire him. If Bielema fails again next year the Univ President might have to fire both of them.

We have got to change the DC minimum and these players have got to learn how to PRESS coverage. We do a better job on their receivers and we win hands down. Hope CBB changes his mind about the DC situation. Hogs YA’LL.

If CBB does not fire CRS then he is essentially tying his future here to his DC.

What’s he going to say with a bowl game coming up? Most coaches don’t announce staffing changes until after the season is complete. Dumping CRS or announcing he’s on the way out at this time would certainly be detrimental for us during bowl practices and the game itself. Let the season end and then see what happens.

This ^^

He also said that you never know what is going to happen after a college football season when it comes to personnel changes. Also, they have two big recruiting weekends coming up so for the stability sake of the program, he may be waiting to see what comes open for the DC or anybody else to move on. Whether that’s a good reason or a bad reason, you be the judge. Just a thought.

All this about recruits and stability?? How stable & solid does this program look to defensive recruits who watched the Auburn, LSU and Missouri games? Like Rob Smith & Roy Segrest do much solid recruiting? Michael Smith the receivers coach was the prime recruiter on the last D-Line commit. A new DC at any time would probably only boost recruiting with a good hire.