Gus Bus

While I respect Mike Irwin I honestly don’t think he has any insider info. I think Gus is using us for leverage and has no intention of leaving Auburn. Time will tell.

That’s my fear. If there is a “moment of truth” and Malzahn is actually offered, it may only be a bargaining chip to get mo’ money from Auburn. The “dream job” comment may be for real or simply a tactic in terms of leverage. Regardless, at this point, it does sound like some so-called “friends” are driving the Gus bus, as someone alluded to earlier.

It will be interesting to see how things settle, and hopefully, sooner than later.

Go Hogs.

Yes, sooner than later. Supposedly the UA has said they plan to have an AD in place by Fri and a HC by next Wed.

Dawg…Why would you want to be dawg? So pathetic…

I don’t read Wally Hall very often, but his open letter today asking that Gus Malzahn return to Arkansas is unusual. The article sure seems to place Wally as a passenger near the front of the Gus bus. The “letter” also implies that the vast majority of Arkansans would support the idea of Malzahn’s return to the natural state.

From afar and on the outside looking in, I hope that Malzahn has a genuine interest in returning as well as the “mostly” united fan support for the idea, as Wally implies. There is no question that he is an excellent football coach. Yet, if the UA is being played, perhaps not by Malzahn, but by his agent, the support that Hall envisions would evaporate in a hurry and likely be gone, forever. On the other hand, should the Gus bus actually arrive in Fayetteville, given the current situation, I’m all in.

Having said that, I would also agree with many of my Hog brothers and sisters in the lounge and think there are [still] other qualified candidates in the mix, with Norvell and Venables quickly coming to mind.

The next few days should be interesting.

Woo Pig.

AND with the way everyone feels about Wally, it’s even more reason to say NO to Gus. Think about how often people complain about Wally and his absolute nonsense, now he is claiming most fans want Gus, I’d challenge him to prove it. Even the majority of this board, or any others AR board has leaned that direction. These boards may be the most fanatic of the fanbase, but I bet the pulse of Razorback Nation is probably in line with the boards.

No argument here, baked. I seldom read Wally for a reason, though the caption and his related column today did catch my attention. Right or wrong, Wally fancies himself as being in the loop. I have my doubts, but it will be interesting to see how this thing plays out.

Wally knows less than Randy Rainwater and that is embarrasing. This editorial begging Gus to come coach at Arkansas Wally has written is embarrassing. You want to know what is more embarrasing?

Our fanbase seems to be trying to out do Tennessee…idiots.

I’ve heard two rumors about Morris.

  1. TN is reaching out to him again. This time with actual interest (since everyone else is turning them down)
  2. Morris has interviewed twice for AR. Once in Dallas, and once in Fayetteville. Both times our guys were supposed to be “blown away” with him

I’m personally pulling for Venables, but if not, then Morris is who I would like to see. I don’t know, I’m just not all that interested in the top 2 people keep listing.

I love the guy. Go watch a press conference, he is very down to earth. The Texas HS coaches love him and he could recruit there with ease. He was the lead recruiter for Deshawn Watson. He is the creator of the Offense that just beat Bama for the NC.

But you know we are Arkansas and we deserve better than that.

I would be fine with any of the four Norvell, Venables, Morris…Gus. But these “fans” starting a gofundme to pay for a banner that rails against Morris are embarrasing.

At this point I hope they all turn us down and we end up with Coach Who Me? From Backwoods U

I’ve actually been afraid of this since they fired Long. I’d be willing to bet the dumpster fire known as TN will end up with a better coach and we will be the laughing stock of college football.

That’s my worry and it seems the idiot faction of our fanbase are dead set on embarrasing us once again.

I hadn’t seen the story on Morris, until now, but agree with the consensus on a certain faction of our fan base. Embarrasing. Speaking of which, the reviews from other writers on Wally Hall’s piece begging Gus to return to the UA haven’t been too kind. I think Wally’s better days have passed, assuming there were better days. :roll:

Lolz…agreed not sure there were better days. I had an English teacher in JR High who would grade the grammar in his column and then show it to us as a lesson on what not to do. It was always full of red ink.

I rarely read Wally Hall, but his headlines the last couple of days have almost made me take a look.

Wally penned an “open letter” to Gus Malzahn yesterday and pleaded with him to return to Arkansas and claimed the fan base was (mostly) united on the suggestion.

Hall seemed to tap the breaks on that idea today and impose a Monday deadline for Gus to make a decision or for the UA - Fayetteville (duh :roll:) to move on in the search for a Head Hog.

Fair enough, but then, Hall goes on to suggest that Tim Horton should be included as a candidate. I am certain that Wally’s (hog) heart is in the right place. I’m also sure that Horton is a really good guy and excellent coach. He’s also said to be an tremendous recruiter. Many fans would undoubtedly welcome Tim Horton’s return as an assistant. I’m not sure, however, why a long term position coach like Horton should be the next head coach at the University of Arkansas.

I’m confused. Which University of Arkansas are you talking about?


My apologies. Wally and a couple of his esteemed colleagues at WholeHOGSports and affiliates do an outstanding job of providing the campus whereabouts of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Otherwise, most subscribers like yourself and I would be terribly misinformed and confused. Without the specific reference to Fayetteville, most of us would undoubtedly also have to consider other campus locations at Monticello, Little Rock, Fort Smith and Pine Bluff. Without the reference, Lawdy, Lawdy, heaven help anyone who might have to get in a car and actually go find a game. :roll:

No idea where our coaching hunt is headed, but if Georgia’s dismantling of Aubie yesterday was instructive, then someone had better hop a plane and talk to the DC guy at Clemson. Neither the Gus bus nor Mike Norvell’s defensive efforts were very impressive, in my opinion. The Dawgs on the other hand, looked pretty damn solid. The notion of defense winning championships has been around a long time.

Go Hogs.