Go back to the old format

I think there is very little chance of the previous format returning for WHS I furthermore doubt this changing had much to do with monetary concerns between blogging systems used. These blogging systems are funded exclusively by advertising revenue on the internet to my understanding. The only real comparison I can make to this is when ESPN changed to Facebook and literally immediately killed their comments blog that had been huge with the volume of people posting. Why in the world would they do that I asked myself back then?

  1. They didn’t make a red cent from people posting their tails off.

  2. The posting sections below the articles could have have been seen by some at ESPN to distract from the articles themselves. In other words, people punched up ESPN to comment instead of read articles. I know I often did.

This site has been locking off their articles at a much higher rate recently surely in pursuit of paying subscribers. They simply no longer wanted the distraction of those comment sections under their professionally composed sports reports. Instead of all us rubes snipping about at each other to find other’s faults. The only real blame with one another is probably we just did too good of a job.

Maybe WHS will give you cry babies your money back.

I have read that a few times, but honestly don’t see anything from keeping people from going off on the deep end. Don’t think the new format fixes. I blocked those on the old site that did that and on the new site you can flag them as a foe which is basically the same thing as a block. My only point is CHANGE is not always easy. Hate to see people dissing Matt and WHS for trying to improve. For all we know, in the final analysis the new format may actually be better than the old. But as they say, they can’t fix stupid so just block those to ignore senseless rants. I am just glad you are posting. In few weeks this will all be a blurr.

I don’t know about the old WHS formats and monitoring. I do know about the old Hawgs Illustrated. We had a number of moderators and they have moved here. We also moved our rules to these forums (posted atop each forum). Today I banned one user for a week after that person lit into any and everyone who disagreed with him. I have also deleted many of his posts.

Clay Henry’s philosophy is to keep these message boards user (and child) friendly. I completely agree.

Ahhhhhhh, come on Baumbastic, you know if you would have gave him a little more time, he would have sent me on one of my tangents, and I would have made him leave the board.

Yeah well, he ticked me off. I was sitting at Baum Stadium watching Fall Ball when I checked the board for something. I had many notifications of reports about that thread.

Instead of watching baseball, I had to clean up that mess. However, had I known that you could do that, I might have left it to you. :sunglasses:

I have thought out a lot of thoughts about the reasoning behind our format change. Some of it factual with regards to our old board being facilitated by disqus as the online blog provider and this board now being an independent that use to be facilitated by Scout as its online network. All a simple user of this blog can do is guess beyond that. I have done plenty of guessing on this topic but the only ones that know are those controlling WHS. They obviously have no need to discuss business issues with us. However the answer to this format change may be as logically as simple as this. Advertising fuels these online blogs, the ads at the top and right of these pages. On the old board, disqus benefited from the ad revenue on the blog site they provided for WHS. On this independent board, WHS benefits solely from that ad revenue. We were literally just moved here to be an audience for the ads.

There is a Huge reason why I never went over to Hawg Illustrated…And this is it. The message board is awful. Probably will not leave another comment after this one. Garbage.

Why has this happened ! Is this a trial period or is this final. WPS

TSO appreciated and enjoyed your post in the past, didn’t agree with them all, but this new format is killing me. My post before this one was sent at 10:48 and it shows it at 3:48 or something. WPS

I dont like this format at all. PLEASE go back to the old format.

Each user is responsible for setting their own time. If you will read the FAQ thread, which is pinned atop all of the boards, you will find instructions on how to do that.

This is the worst. I grew up in Mountain Home and moved to CA 30 years ago. This site has been my connection to the Razorback community. This is like a loss of that community. I won’t be posting. I really enjoyed the posts and the banter. I guess I’ll return to isolation again after several years of connection. Really bad choice whoever made it.