Game thread: aTm vs. Arkansas

On the bright side, our much improved defense only give up 50 points to a team that is not even in the top 50 …lol

The word defense and bend don’t break should never be mentioned together.
The coaching decisions show just how scared they call plays. A freshman QB beat us. The hogs let him get comfortable and yes they ran the ball down our throats.
Pressure is what we lack. No aggressive nature to the defensive staff. Poor clock management to end the first half as usual.
The pattern of this team is a spitting image of what it’s been like since Toledo

Red zone was better today.
We scored in the second half
The defense is horrible

If we want this team to win they need to move to a cupcake league maybe the Sunbelt where A State can finally get a turn

I’m tired of taped interview after a loss that we hear after a ball game. Might as well be taped it’s full of the same excuses every one of them.

Put Kelly in at QB and get him ready for next year. This team will not make a bowl game.