Game thread: aTm vs. Arkansas

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Go Hogs!

I win regardless of who wins. I gave the odds and bet on TA&M to win or lose. If TA&M wins, I win the money. If Arkansas wins, it is worth the money I lose for Arkansas to win.


I am beginning to like our chances going against an inexperienced QB. Our speed in the back eight is really showing. Coach Enos’s fingerprints all over this game thus far and thus we are discovering all of our offensive weapons. We should win this game if we utilize the physical and taller Cole Kelley and our speedsters more on offense. AA is not going to be able escape aTm’s pressure thus may not be the most effective option on every snap in this particular game, nor even maybe half the offensive possessions. I want us max out our talent level on almost every offensive snap.

All of a sudden, this game is looking easy!!?? Could Hogs score at least 28pts in the 1st half?
I can’t wrap my head around this possible reality!!??

Feel bad for K Sumlin and aTm

So glad we’ve eliminated the big plays on defense. Excellent job Coach Rhoads.


Still holding the ball waaaaay to long

As usual,CBB goes way too conservative at the end. Need a score at the beginning of 3rd quarter or this game could get away from us. Again.

Folks should really hold on to their thoughts until the 60 minutes of play is over, haven’t you guys watched this game the pas five seasons? The highs are never high enough and the lows can get really low.

We still are giving up explosive plays on defense and we will probably need to score at least 21-24 more points in the second half to win this game and 2nd half scoring has been a huge problem lately. Let’s see how we respond and what adjustments if any are made at halftime then the game can be dissected for good or bad.

This is a huge game for both teams and the loser will have a hard road to get to bowl elegibility and everyone knows it.
Hope our Hogs can turn the page and start scoring points in the 2nd half of games versus a quality opponent.

Go Hogs!,

I’m not sure that aTm could be classified as a quality opponent. At least this year

And keeping things in perspective. When’s the last time the Hogs had freshman speedsters like ones we’re watching today? And that return by Devion Warren, he looked more like ones for aTm, how speedy and shifty he was. And not even including players like Jarrod Barnes and Brandon Martin. The future is indeed bright. I hope we hold on to the lead and add to our point totals in the 2nd half against a supremely talented team in aTm. WPS!

Allen looks like a sophomore, not a fifth year senior

I know the OL is not playing great and the WR’s are having problems getting open, but he no fire in him and seems he wants to whine after each play. He is flat and the entire team is flat!

A&M started eating the vanilla ice cream we started serving up after scoring 21 by aggressive play calling! WPS

Really proud that our defense has stopped the chunk plays. 3/4 defense is going to save our season.

So why isn’t Kelly playing? Allen is totally out of it. Give the young guy a chance and we might win this game.

Four straight punts. Make an adjustment Bielema, earn your $4MM per year.

I agree. Kelly and Hayden would be an interesting combination in the option game. Allen is not acting like a senior captain