Extension for cbb

He’s on a roll.
I say 20 million spread over 6 months.

So, you’re saying send him to Texas?

MAWR MONEY!!! Whatever he wants! Get blown out, beat garbage, get blown out, etc. he deserves all the monies. Who cares if other programs win and go to big bowls. We have Bert and minor bowls is our tradition. We won this week but, who knows next week? ¯\(ツ)/¯ Gotta love that barely over .500 record. EXTENSION I say.

I hear Rick Shaeffer on a Bielema can still improve his yearly season record trip and that is step by step progress towards program greatness meanderings. I have heard Shaeffer say this several times on the radio. I have heard the first part of that rationality by several on this board.

I hope Long will look at the way this team has played on defense, historically poor at the bottom of the barrel statistically in the D1 Division and the most poor defense in Power Five football for many years. That demands a change in defensive coaches, no contract extension for Bielema. I feel Long will not be acting in the best interest of the Hog program in rolling this contract another year into the future. Bielema needs to immediately build a solid competitive team in the SEC like other successful coaches up there have done in less time or be soon fired. Golden parachutes for everybody up there is one of the big problems in this program like at the corporate business level. It all smacks of corruption.

Certainly the DC should be changed after the season is over. We play Mizzou next Saturday and it should go well even if the defense is poor/adequate. But like I have said before let’s wait until the season is over and take another look after we see what CBB will also do. HOGS YA’LL.

You realize Missery just put up 700+ yards against TN. We may not have an easy defensive game.

Pork last night I was at the Buffalo Wild Wings on Cantrell. You know what I seen? I seen Gruden. :shock: And he was talkin to guys in suits! I think something really big is about to happen.

What color was his tie?

Gruden was interviewing for the CIA or Secret Service, incognito!

Most college coaches get extensions to look good for recruiting.

The devil is in the details and usually aren’t much.

So the contract - as most have - will likely be rolled over a year for show.

I would flip out over it if happens. It’s just business.

I am not challenging your assumption or the business ramifications you noted. I remember Broyles saying, “Once you start rolling contracts with these coaches, you stop, you might as well fire them right then.”

I am just stating it smacks of corruption to even start the process. If Bielema had built a successful competitive program here winning 10 games yearly or better similar to what Petrino had just done. The process of reopening and negotiating an extension to Bielema’s contract would have been fully justified and surely available unless Bielema himself felt otherwise. If Bielema had felt compelled to leave then. I say more power to him. You would have had the element of someone being here that actually wished otherwise. That being a very bad situation we could anyway now have.

These type processes just amount to golden parachutes in the business world at whatever level. A product of 21st Century decadence. Not good for anybody but those perceived as elite. I think Bielema has fully showed his coaching skills for four years here. He only coaches well after losses and cannot correct severe coaching problems as inexplicable deplorable defenses on anything but an extended long term basis. In other words, he is a poor coach on the SEC level and will soon leave here enjoying those millions Long slovenly slings at him. A couple of more years of this mediocre roller coaster football, Long & Bielema should both be fired. Long is a bureaucrat, he even talks like one. No AD!

I like Charlie Strong for DC. That’s a great fit, feels awfully right.

There’s a tv production company in Little Rock that makes shows for ESPN and other major networks. That’s a far more likely reason for him meeting with suits in, of all places, a Buffalo Wild Wings in Little Rock.

First, I will state a FACT. THE HOG DEFENSE HAS BEEN INEXPLICABLY BAD THIS YEAR ON A HISTORICAL LEVEL. Then right smack in the middle of all that you have the stellar defensive showing against Florida??? How could such a drastic transformation possibly happen back & forth? There really is only one rather simple rational explanation.

It is something that exists within every college football program in this country but is rarely if ever discussed in detail. It is the relationship between a coach and his players. It basically boils down to two things, LOYALTY and/or RESPECT. I think every coach from Petrino back to Broyles has accomplished manifesting either one or both of these qualities within his player’s mental attitude towards him.

I think Bielema has big problems manifesting these qualities or attributes within his players without the aid of assistants. He has those assistants on offense, not yet on defense.

The end line is he is a weak coach at this level. Not a coach geared for longevity in the SEC at all. I wish Long had never hired him.

“It is something that exists within every college football program in this country but is rarely if ever discussed in detail. It is the relationship between a coach and his players. It basically boils down to two things, LOYALTY and/or RESPECT. I think every coach from Petrino back to Broyles has accomplished manifesting either one or both of these qualities within his player’s mental attitude towards him.”

This would be a sound theory if Petrino had good defenses when he was here. He didn’t. Broyles did have good defenses, but Petrino had a more “bend, don’t break” defense, just so his offense could do enough to win.

Umm, ThunderPig, you do understand that these are all “urban legends” and have been floating around since before CBB was hired. For some reason, Mud is playing along. Can you believe it? :wink:

Response:,Wow we barely finished over 500 never have we placed with the other SEC schools in the upper echelon of the conference

It seems jus† useless for me to discuss things with you at times because this is seemingly how it always goes.

Me: This is how it is done for recruiting. One-year rollover, recruits see it. It’s not a big deal. It even happen under Frank Broyles when he was AD.

WarHog. I hear you, but it’s corrupt, I hate it and I hate Bret Bielema. I didn’t want him as coach, he’s very average.

Me: But he has won more games each year.

WarHog: I don’t care about that. He’s a poor coach because I say he is a poor coach. I could care less what anybody else thinks.

Me: If he gets to 4-4 in conference play after being 5-3 last season it will be only the third time in SEC play that Arkansas has ever had back-to-back non-losing records in the SEC.

WarHog: Average. Poor coach. Can’t believe Long hired him. I want him gone. He is not Bobby Petrino.

Me: What if they win 9 with the bowl?

WarHog: He’s a poor coach. He is not Bobby Petrino.

War Hog: I’ve heard his players don’t respect or fear him

Me: You have heard wrong.

WarHog: He’s gotta go.

Me: Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Welcome to our world with Warhog Dudley. It’s his opinion or else.

That has got to be the post of the year DD!!