Extension for cbb

I have to agree pretty funny.


Happy Thanksgiving?

Uh Oh. Brown Friday is this week. :idea:

I only used Petrino as a reference due to his relatively recent departure as Hog coach and the belief by way too many on this board (in my opinion) that mediocrity is just the fulfillment of Razorback destiny in the SEC. Petrino is proof a good coach can rapidly exceed the winning numbers of a coach as Bielema. However I want no one on this board to misconstrue that into meaning I want Petrino back as Hog coach. I do not!

I have heard nothing about player negativity towards Bielema but that is not the type information a common fan as me is privy to anyway. An assumption on such matters is most likely all that can ever be made by any fan. I have heard people and even players themselves refer to a head coach as a father figure. I was never involved in football as a youth but I can fully relate to the father aspect. I did “respect or fear” my father as a kid. The last thing I wished in the world was to badly disappoint him to the point of him being mad. I just do not see anything close to that type “respect or fear” of any coach by any Razorback defensive player this year.

I know I am somewhat ahead of the curve deeply analyzing this coach. It will suffice to describe this past four years as football mediocrity. Going on about absolutely inexcusable horrendous defensive stats just irritates some fans who only desire a bright future. Time will tell.

You have a Happy Thanksgiving too.

Petrino did not recruit well on defense here, he gave way too many scholarships to offensive players especially to receivers. Petrino having a strong defense here was just simply a physical impossibility no matter the coaching.

Petrino did not ever recruit well on defense here. He gave way too many scholarships to offensive players especially to receivers. Petrino having a strong defense here was just simply a physical impossibility no matter the coaching.

Petrino is an example of how fast a big-name coach can impact a program and have success. He also came at a time when the state produced some great offensive players and a Big Ten quarterback who chose to be closer to home (technically, from Texarkana, Texas, that’s why I say closer to home). But could he have sustained that success? Many big-name coaches start big but have trouble maintaining it. Will CBB get it done long term? Who knows? Time will tell.
