Arkansas vs. Georgia

This a very winnable game for us. Georgia has a very good defense, but not a lot of major threats offensively.

If we win, we’ll probably jump back into the top 30 in RPI.

Need this road win very bad.

Had planned on going to the game, but with the recent play by Hogs decided to stay home and watch on the tube. I really enjoyed the game at SC last year and was looking forward to this game but just got turned off.

I like the match up. On paper the hogs should win. This team just comes out flat too much. If they play hard tough defense and rebound on both ends they should win.
The RPI killer for the hogs are the losses to Moo U and LSU. It also killed the chances of a good seed for the Dance.
Marten normally plays well aginst the hogs so Gafford will need to stay out of foul trouble.
i look for Hall to have a good game. The key to winning on the road is having every player so their part. I’d like to see the hogs make 10 or more 3’s! The shot selection will be important in this game. When you have an easy look you better make em.
If it’s close late it don’t bold well for the hogs on the road. Maybe they can build a lead and put the dogs to bed early. The hogs need to go on a winning streak for a couple of weeks.

I disagree with the killing RPI and dance seed.

It’s true MSU and LSU are the lowest RPI teams we’ve lost to, but our saving grace at the moment is we have beaten teams with very good RPI’s and we haven’t lost to anyone outside the top 100 RPI.

If we were seeded today, at worst we’d be a 9 seed, but as the season goes on, we can easily get back into the top 25 in RPI. Right now we’re at 32, but a win at Georgia, and we should get back into the top 30 in RPI.

Hogs will need to play the rest of the season with a sense of urgency and focus for 40 minutes if they want to get to where they want to be.
If this game is played at at slow pace and ends up being a 55-70 point game it will be a nail biter, if we are able to push the pace to a plus 70 point game I will like our chances.
We need our three leading scorers to all have a good game while getting production from the role players and when we get to the free throw line we need to make 70% at a minimum because depending the pace of play points could be at a premium.
They will also need to play good defense and rebound to limit 2nd chance opportunities for Georgia.

Go Hogs!

I believe this is a must win a loss here and our confidence would bottom out I’m afraid. I know we are more than capable of winning when we play at our talent level ourselves,we don’t need a superhuman effort from someone we just need the guys to play their best and that will be good enough. Let’s get a win Hogs! WPS

The loss to LSU at home makes this a must win. It’s winnable road game and you can’t afford to lose it.

In my opinion the LSU and Moo U games needed to be wins! This team of hogs we have now fail to ever play well for 40 minutes.
The mental lapses that turn into easy baskets by the opponent have to stop to win on the road.
I would just like to see a winning streak of 6 or 7 games.
The defense needs to improve to win on the road. I’m hopeful for the hogs to win.

Arkansas isn’t taking what Georgia is giving them. They are giving them wide open lanes to drive and we are just going through the motions. We have the energy this time, but are being too passive.

I truly don’t understand why we aren’t attacking the rim. Georgia is begging for it and we have guards that aren’t boxing out for rebounds. Georgia isn’t playing that great, we are just not taking advantage of our opportunities.

This is hard to watch. Cook has no business handling the ball. Shot taken by role players and your scorers not getting looks. Giving up wide open 3’s again.

Maybe at some point during the game we’ll at least consider the notion of defending the 3

It’s all Beard’s Fault :lol:

Good close out to the half and played great defense at the end. Just keep it up and attack the rim.

I feel confident because we aren’t digging ourselves out of a hole for the whole second half. We get the ball to start and we need to take hard to the rim. They are selling out on Gafford, so our guards need to be aggressive and push it.

The refs swallowed their whistles the first half, now they’ve changed how they are calling the game. I hate SEC refs.

Arkansas needs a little run here with 5:13 left. 58-53. Keep attacking the basket.

We’re in trouble now because Georgia is in the bonus and will just attack the rim the rest of the way, and the way the refs are calling it, they’ll get to the line a lot. Need some turnovers big time now.

Foul and take last shot?

Not sure that was a foul

Terrible call by the refs. Gafford was set. MAN I CAN’T STAND SEC REFS.