Arkansas needs to fire MA.

And then go and hire Joe Klein, and see if Corliss Williamson will be an assistant, he’s an assistant now for a below avg NBA team. Let the recruits go else where if they choose…

Now that I’m done being mad about their play tonight, realistically, the best I’ve seen MA coach was when he knew his coaching days were over at Arkansas, and he coached an outstanding finish in the SEC tourney.

He seems to do well when he has a highly motivated team. At the least they need to evaluate who is motivating these kids, because their play is so incredibly inconsistent… His assistants need to do a much better job of finding out what makes their players tick, and then using that to get their best effort out of them.

Most kids would say who is he?

Maybe the same with Corliss. You have to think 95 was 22 years ago. No one below a SR in college would have been alive then. HS kids may remember him when he coached. As for Joe, he left here when I was around 9 or 10, I’m almost 43 now. I barely remember him. Most from out of state would be clueless, those instate would be depending on moms and dads my age to explain who he is, we barely remember.

Well, we’ve still got seven more conference games, so there’s still hope. A lot can happen in seven games and then there’s the conference tournament, too. But realistically, if we’re just not going to play much defense or do much rebounding, there’s little hope that things are going to get better. Yes, Vandy is a great three point shooting team, but it makes it so much easier for them when most of the time none of our guys is even guarding the shooter, and then if they miss they get the offensive rebound over and over till they make it. The team has really laid an egg the last two games and played themselves right out of the NCAA field. I’m not aware that Joe Kleine has any record as or interest in being head coach of a college team, nor do I remember Corliss having big success as a college coach. Why would you pay either of those guys millions when there’s no track record?

Look at Anderson’s quote about their second half play! So now we’ve been reduced to being satisfied with making teams “uncomfortable”!?!? Wow. What about making teams uncomfortable by actually beating them? My time and money spent on Razorback basketball is finished.

Here is the issue and I said this on another of the Fire Mike threads. No good coach is going to come here. No one. There isn’t an up and comer with a good enough name to convince the two future classes to stay. Mike is most likely safe this year. If nor, we start over. Anytime a program starts over, they lose transfers, recruits, and because it’ll be a different style, they won’t have “their” players. Firing Mike this year would start a rebuild mode, and another (minimum) 5 years with maybe one NCAAT. Let it play out. The NIT would give extra practices, maybe more than the NCAAT. We have guys coming in that WILL help. Just ride the wave.

I am honestly sick to death of threads like this! Fire Bielema! Fire Anderson! Fire Long! Anytime something goes wrong, it’s time to get rid of someone. This is why, though I love my state and team, we have some of the DUMBEST fans in the country. That’s saying something considering I’ve lived in areas where the vast majority were either, Sooner, Aggie, LSU, or Mizzou fans.

One of my former math teacher had a saying that applies here, “you have the answer, but you don’t have the solution.” Everybody has the answer, but don’t have a clue how to solve the problem. And just saying “fire them” is not a solution.

Joe Klein? Yeah right. Corliss Williamson? I’d love to have him here, but he didn’t exactly have a good HC career.

So who REALISTICALLY do you people want to replace Anderson with? Don’t give me some pie in the sky answer. Who can we legitimately get?

Dang it, we agree on something, there goes your credibility

College basketball is absolutely the easiest sport to “start over”. It only takes one or two really good players to get the thing going. To assume everyone would transfer or leave is ludicrous. There is not assurance MA will be able to do anything differently with the recruits coming in. As far as who would come to Fayetteville, just check out the new coaches in the country at other places: Mike White left Louisiana Tech, Ben Howland came to Miss State, Buzz Williams at Virginia Tech, Frank Martin at South Carolina. These guys are proven winners and tournament coaches. Each and all would have come to Arkansas. I believe the game has passed MA by.

Mike White had a no brainer situation. He was an up and comer that you and many others would have complained about.

Howland was out of coaching for two years.

Martin was having major issues with player defections, at odds with the AD, and a host of other issues, he couldn’t stay at K State, he had to accept.

I believe Buzz Williams had actually turned us down before.

So, no it doesn’t mean any of those guys would have came here, it also doesn’t mean that a newcomer wouldn’t be the answer, but to expect to keep everyone when certain recruits have already said if Mike leaves they leave is what is ludicrous.

Who said that? I’m aware of Hill, but wondering who else you are referencing.

Welp, seeing how Hill was actually their lead recruiter.

So nobody else other than Hill has said it?

I heard someone else on here mention another saying it, but I haven’t heard them say it themselves, I haven’t heard Hill say it himself

It’s taken six years for Frank Martin to have an NCAA-worthy team. I think he’s a good coach, but it’s not easy to rebuild. Florida already had good players left over by Billy Donovan, and it’s easy to recruit there, but I agree White seems to be doing a great job. The jury is still out on how Howland will pan out at Miss. State. What fan can’t be disappointed by the performance of our team the last two games? Maybe MA isn’t the right guy. I really don’t know. But firing him without a replacement who is likely to do better doesn’t make a lot of sense. It’s easy to bandy about the names of successful coaches, but will they come here?

Mike White had a no brainer situation. He was an up and comer that you and many others would have complained about.

Howland was out of coaching for two years.

Martin was having major issues with player defections, at odds with the AD, and a host of other issues, he couldn’t stay at K State, he had to accept.

I believe Buzz Williams had actually turned us down before.

your totally right about all the coaches mentioned, Baked. i believe Buzz was our first choice when we had to settle for Pelphrey. they are all good coaches, but they have their reasons for being where they are. i know MA is a good coach and his firing would definitely set us back for at least 5-8yrs. i also agree that a team can be turned around quicker as referenced above but for that to happen it is usually a situation where a program finds lightning in a bottle. which could very well happen with our next 2 classes incoming. Gafford could be the second coming of Andrew Lang and Garland or Hall the second coming of JJ or Sidney. we could still very well end up in NCAA this year. lord knows if we had hired MA when Nolan left we still might be on top of the heap, im sure we all remember Nolans last recruiting class that ended up not coming included 2 future nba all stars. however, whether MA should of been our coach since Nolan left is a different discussion. i know im straddling the fence here, but this season still has alot that can happen so i think the remainder of season will determine MA’s fate, personally would rather him stay as i cant stomach another Stan Heath, how did that up and comer turn out. grass isnt always greener, sometimes its just grass.

Well, my worst fears came true as I had stated just a couple of days ago that the next game (Vanderbilt) was a must win game for any legitimate hopes of getting to 21-22 wins and possibly getting the 4th at large bid from the SEC.
I seriously have my doubts if this team can get to 20 wins after that effort at home last night.
Obviously, Coach Anderson isn’t going to get shown the door with what is supposed to be a good recruiting class set for the next couple of years so we will have to wait patiently and see if these recruits actually turn the needle for the program.
What I do find so frustrating is the fact that as other teams not only in our conference tend to get better throughout the season the Hogs seem to be getting worse no matter if at home or away.
If after a couple of more subpar seasons then I too would say that after 8 seasons and 1 NCAA Tourney bid it would be enough on the resume to move the program in a different direction.

As for candidates down the line I would be interested to have UofA officials reach out to former Hogs that could bring some fire back to the Hill.
How would a coaching staff made up of Head Coach, Darrell Walker, Assistants, Joe Klein, Todd Day, Corliss Williamson and Scotty Thurman, Lee Mayberry sound to Hog Basketball fans.
Each of these beloved former Hogs are currently coaching or have coached since there playing days were done. Any combination of these guys could bring some winning History to the program and a desire to get the Razorbacks back to respectability.
They could even reach out to Super Sid Moncrief, just to see if there would be any interest level with him. Go Hogs!

None of the guys mentioned in this thread should be hired as head coach here. Just because they used to play here doesn’t mean they would be a good head coach. Good grief!

The only guy worth pursuing is Greg Marshall and the Koch Brothers won’t let him leave Wichita.

Even though I would like to see a new head coach, I think if CMA would upgrade most of his coaching staff he might have a chance of saving his job. I’m not sure which ones need to go, but the ones that have been with him the past several years should be highly considered. He definitely needs a coach that can handle the post players and someone that can handle the defense. I don’t see him getting much help on the bench either during the game. Something must change or the best recruits in the country will not help this team be a consistent winner. Look at KY, I think Cal’s lack of coaching ability has really shown up in this year’s team as it has in the past.

You want names of who could replace MA? It would be the very same names they would interview if MA calls in this afternoon and resigns. I’m not calling for MA to be fired but the program is not folding up and going away if we lose him. But you know as well as I do if we keep playing the way we are the seat is going to be very warm come middle March ! WPS