Welcome to our new message boards, Whole Hog Sports, Powered by Hawgs Illustrated. This is our free board, and it’s a place that any conversations about Razorback sports take place. Our editorial team – Clay Henry, Dudley Dawson, Matt Jones, Richard Davenport and Jimmy Carter will frequent the premium board and answer questions there.
This is a big day, and it’s a move that I dreamed about and supported. It was a chance to unite our coverage team.
Thank you for your support to our new merged site, with Whole Sports and Hawgs Illustrated.
If you have followed us from Scout.com, your subscription is in place here, too. I would encourage you to cancel your old sub at Scout.com so it does not automatically renew. The number is (888) 501-5752.
Our Hawgs Illustrated office number remains the same: 800-757-6277.
Clay Henry, Publisher, Hawgs Illustrated