A quote from Wally’s ADG article on retaining games in LR:
“Fayetteville, the first home of the Hogs, will acquire some financial help with the game it gained every other year.
It was obvious by the enthusiasm of UA Chancellor Joe Steinmetz and Athletic Director Hunter Yurachek that they understand the definition of the University of Arkansas is not UA Northwest.”
Well if the definition of UofA is not UA Northwest, then Wally why do you and all your ADG minions continue to refer to University of Arkansas-Fayetteville??? When everyone with half a brain knows what simply the University of Arkansas refers.
Nailed it, brother. He’d never admit it, but Wally has had his panties twisted on this issue for some time. By choice, I stopped reading Hall and the other UA-F reporting “minions” long ago. It’s not like you’re losing Orville Henry like quality.
I’m the same way. When I see an article written by him, I pass right by it. I have no desire to read his crap anymore. Not certain how he is still on staff here.
Wally’s article seemed to hint that the Governor wants all the state universities to schedule and play games there. Did I read that right or does the University of Arkansas - Northwest have to take the hit for everyone?
When the big wheels tour the state do they really ask the everyday people their opinion or do they spend most of their time with a few of the “elite” ones seeing what matters to them?
When the big wheels tour and talk do they first explain how run down and neglected WMS is and how that reflects on the state schools that play there and on the state itself?
Do they really explain how much in the way of state funds it will take to really make the stadium presentable to the SEC and the nation while not being a detriment in attracting the quality of athlete the University of Arkansas - Northwest now needs so it can be viable in the SEC West?
Maybe the real goal is not to improve the University of Arkansas - Northwest, but instead to make the University of Arkansas - Northwest a better fit for a lower classed conference and/or classification like the other U of A’s in the state. That way it could play several of it’s brother/sister in-state schools in WMS each year keeping a lot of “Arkansas” bucks in the state. Once the U of A - NW is not nationally revalent any longer, who will really care?