Here’s the deal, tournament play is much more difficult than regular season games, because everyone is well aware what a loss means, and the teams that typically do well in tournament play, have exceptional depth.
Arkansas typically doesn’t do well in tournament play, because traditionally they get a big head, and take games for granted. For example, there’s no question Mizzou can knock out Arkansas in the Quarters next week, unless Arkansas is extremely focused on playing tough, physical, basketball in the paint. And then it becomes a game of who can get their bodies ready to roll on back to back games. Obviously Alabama will probably be in the Finals, and extremely fired up for round 3, if it’s Arkansas. Arkansas will have to play unbelievable basketball to take home the title.
Not worried about winning SEC Tourn. Not that much of a game changer for the NCAA tournament.
AR has won a NC without winning the SEC Tourn. AR has also won the SEC Tourn when it had to, just to get into the SEC Tourn. Not the case here.
It’s a young team that hasn’t been subjected to the pressures of big tourneys like the SEC & NCAA. Although I feel they can do well in both.
Proud of this team no matter what happens from this point. They have more than proved their worthiness.
Congratulations, I have been reading and posting all day on various forums throughout the US, and that’s the stupidest thing I’ve read all day. The NCAA tournament is irrelevant, you ALWAYS play to win a Championship!!!
Win the SEC, and then hope for a good seeding at the tourney in Indy, and try and win that too.
Yeah, I feel ya bro, I’m in a bad mood today, but obviously the projected Linardi projection, is just that a projection. Arkansas needs to get into the Finals to guarantee they will get that #3. seeding. And if they can win it, who knows, but the higher seed, the easier row to hoe.
Don’t engage with this guy, Jim. He is a total troll. He can’t complete a coherent sentence, much less pass a spell check. He can’t pay the money to be on on the big boy board, so he just tries to inflame anyone who stumbles on his inane ramblings in the Hawg Lounge.
You wrote that, and I’m the troll??? Baaawwwaahhhaaa??? Dude, you really need some sort of life, you take these conversations entirely too seriously!! But seriously, Thank You, Jeremy, please continue to correct any spelling or punctuation posts in my comments you may see.
I might decide to graduate to the big boy board, where all of these superior beings reside, I would hate to make a spelling or punctuation error there…