SEC Media Days - CBB

I think he did a great job and created buzz as always.

Coach B is becoming a superstar.
Glad he’s ours.

TV stations all around the SEC talk about him and his likeable personality. He is creating an image that can only help recruiting.

I like how the players say, well that’s just Coach. He is the same man where ever he goes and who ever he is talking to.

Coach Bielema’s effervescent personality, his natural comedic manner, his knowledge of the game, his obvious regard for his players on a comprehensive personal level, and his steadfast commitment to “tough love” discipline and to the unwavering enforcement of the unwritten “do right” rule mark him as one of the premier upper echelon collegiate head coaches, in my humble estimation.

I wholeheartedly believe that we are indeed fortunate to have him.

I agree completely. Parents love him.

Kinda funny on this one. I had those same feelings after the 2007 Capital One Bowl. I watched interviews with our players, and it seemed many couldn’t complete a sentence. Then I watched interviews with the Wisconsin players, and they spoke as if they had just written a novel. I felt we needed a coach who could recruit players with that type of intelect. I listened to Jeremy Sprinkle speak the other day. He is that type of player.

I consider it to be a definitive plus to have players who can both “walk the walk” and “talk the talk”; - - - - - IN THAT ORDER.