Scout got me

I’ve been banned and my posts about the new boards have been deleted.

[quote]We’re sorry to inform you that you have been banned from all activity on all forums. We hope that you will continue to enjoy other content on the rest of the network.

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:o Welcome to the wild side Marty :wink:


I was shocked the links to the new board, info about it, etc. were on the old board for as long as they were. I noticed a little bit ago that all the post from you, Clay, Matt, etc. dealing with the change were gone. Again, I was shocked yesterday that those post lasted 10 minutes! Scout must have been asleep at the wheel!

'bout time somebody banned you :smiley:


Stirred the pot one too many times I bet! On a related note: if one were banned on the scout board, would they continue to be banned on this board? Asking for a friend. :wink:

If I were your friend, I would take this as an opportunity to start anew. (And to be on good behavior now, since the board rules are the same.)

Stirred the pot one too many times I bet! On a related note: if one were banned on the scout board, would they continue to be banned on this board? Asking for a friend. :wink:

Tell Nostra all is forgiven. :wink:

No one is banned here. It’s time for a fresh start for all.

I am very, VERY happy - and very grateful - to be accorded the distinct privilege of inclusion here on this fine board. That sentiment is from my heart.

I see Senility has made his way over to the new board. I was hoping that I wouldn’t need a thesaurus in here; I guess I’ll have to keep i handy now.

Touche; I shall resolve to aspire to essay more self restraint in deference to brevity.