Returning tickets to RF to be resold

I can’t find the post on how we do this. Can someone remind me on how to do this for the Texas State game?

You should be able to log in to your ticket account and find a link there. You can always call the ticket office.

You should have received an email from the ticket office. My email has a link to get to the right site.

I think you can only do it for SEC games.

You can do it for any game; however, after Saturday, all that is left are SEC games.

Here’s the process, from the Ticket Exchange website:

Tell them you can’t make it to that game and get an instant offer.

Accept that offer as follows:

Log into your ticket account.

Click the Manage my Account link

Click on Razorback Ticket Exchange.

Select the tickets to sell. Click Send to Exchange.

You will get paid for your tickets through PayPal. So you have to be signed up for PayPal (it’s easy; I did it so I could get paid for some tickets I sold to a fellow HI poster a few years back). But you won’t get the money until the next business day after that game is played (Oct. 10 for Bama, for instance).