Has anyone noticed that Mizzou athletics, especially in the more major men’s and women’s sports, is getting increasingly, consistently better than that of the Hogs? Should this be happening? Have you seen their facilities? Proof, I guess, that money for stadiums, locker rooms, and study halls doesn’t translate into wins on the field. And this Border Line Rivalry thing … Mizzou will get just like LSU and the Boot: kinda ho-hum about the whole thing because they win a majority of the time.
Better in football last 2 years? Yes. Because we had Bret Bumliema as HC. Better in hoop?? Nope. Better in baseball? Nope. Better in Track? HELL NO
Agreed, in most major sports, we’re better than Mizzou. They might be better than us at softball and maybe girls basketball, but that’s about it.