I guess he was drankin’ when he should have been sleepin’.

I’m surprised by this. Dude really impressed me as a kid that was straight laced and clean. I guess everybody makes mistakes. Hope he learns from this.

I think he is a good guy and just came back home to celebrate. He screwed up and his friends screwed up by letting him drive. He’s making enough money to call uber!

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap300000 … ion-of-dwi”>http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000674596/article/bills-rb-jonathan-williams-arrested-on-suspicion-of-dwi</LINK_TEXT>

C’mon Man!

From article:

“Williams underwent a field sobriety test but refused a breathalyzer test on the advice of his agent, the report stated.”

Was his agent with him? Was he permitted to call his agent at the scene?

I’m not going to trash him or preach. I appreciate what he did for The Hogs. I simply hope and pray that this negative episode does not cost him a considerable amount of punitive grief and devaluation with The Buffalo Bills.

I hope it wasn’t taken as bashing him. I was just surprised. Thought he was better than that. I too hope he learns from this and corrects his issue.

I didn’t interpret your comment as bashing. I tend to characterize this unfortunate episode as the celebratory exuberance of an overjoyed young man who is on the brink of being afforded a prime opportunity to play in the NFL, establish himself as being accounted among the pro football elite, earn a boatload of cash, and retire at a relatively young stage in life as a very wealthy man.

When I was his age ( a LONG time ago ), my impromptu decision making process wasn’t all that commendable, either.

I was a little angel when I was his age. :sunglasses:

I believe he said from previous discussions with his agent he was advised that.

Most Lawyers will tell you the same thing, refuse the breathalyzer if you have been drinking. If you haven’t had a drop, blow in it all day/night long.