Today on the Stephen A Smith show Will Cain was expounding on what he termed a revolution in sports. He mentioned the evolution in Texas high school football that relies on a system, not requiring a tall quarterback, and metioning specifically Drew Brees, Patrick Mahomes, and Kyler Murray as examples. These systems were instituted in smaller school districts from beginner levels and allowed them to compete with the traditionally competetive championship contenders. Cain then moved on to basketbal where he talked about systems that emphasize passing and player movement without the ball.
All of this struck a chord and just gives reason to be optimistic in the coming years, with one caveat; adequate recruiting.
In football we seem to be doing well almost everywhere, except the offensive line, where we are way too young and thin, and at linebacker, where we could use more depth. Generally, recruiting seems to be picking up, but remains to be seen.
In basketball we have some shooters, could use more inside players with skills. Maybe in this system 7-footers aren’t too important. The recruiting is kind of fantastic right now, literally. We don’t know if those 5-star offers can be taken seriously or not. We’ll see.
Whatever, it seems Yurachek may be out on the leading edge of coaching philosophy when it comes to hiring. It’s clear he is not going to play conservatively. Look what he did with the gymnastics team.