Does it strike anyone else as unusual that Morris is bringing almost all his offensive coordinators from SMU with him and none of the defense(at least that I can see) coordinators? I know he has to make a big splash with a DC and that person will bring their own staff, but I guess I’m just hoping Venables is in toe getting his own guys.
Sad, that we will lose our current WR coach because he was great at recruiting Louisiana, hope we can replace that.
I think you can chalk it up to the SMU OC wanting his guys with him. They know the system, and it is easier to make a transition with people you know versus new ones. I hate to loose Smith too. He does a great job, but, it doesn’t mean that he won’t be retained in some fashion. Coach Fitz Hill was a DB coach before switching to WR coach; and plenty of others do such.
I have a strong feeling though that Morris will want a lot of East TX recruiting guys no matter which side of the ball they coach on.