Former Disqus users

Here is how to start/create a thread with one of the articles:

After you read the article, copy the article URL at the top of internet browser page onto your clipboard

Come to the message board and start a new topic/thread (like this one)

Paste the URL link from the article into the body of your post like so and click the URL button above:

<LINK_TEXT text=“ … s-20160/#/”></LINK_TEXT>

now you have the article there for all to read and comment upon

Hope this helps!

You seem to have this board all figured out as far as posting links and things; therefore you are hereby appointed look-alike picture poster for the new board, with all the privileges, benefits, and headaches that it entails. :twisted:

Now to THAT, I will do my best Sgt. Shultz… “I know nothing”! :lol: