For the naysayers.

Get to know our new coach … rris-hire/

I’m actually fine with people voicing their opinion, though some may disagree. I think a lot of the negativity is mostly knee jerk reactions, but after some study, I think most people will be good with Chad Morris.

I was squarely behind Norvell getting the job until Morris’ name came up and I did some research. I honestly thought he was the best fit and had the biggest upside but believed we would never go in that direction. My understanding is that Morris was very impressive in his two interviews and that was the difference.

Having said that I really get annoyed with our “fans” who respond negatively because they only see his record at SMU. Do some research…the UA administration did.

Agree on all accounts

He has developed a group of young loyal assistants.




I really like his philosophy and enthusiasm


I know nothing of substance about Chad Morris. I’m assuming that the Arkansas decision-makers DID research him extensively. I’m hoping that the best possible hire was accomplished. If this is a done deal - and it’s my understanding that it is - than there is no point in Razorback fans grousing, groaning, second-guessing or finding fault with the hire of Morris. We’re past the debate stage. The new era now begins.