Never more than now, do I miss the ability to respond directly to written articles. Drew Morgan’s Twitter apology is a piss poor attempt to maintain his standing amongst the Razorback faithful. Nowhere did he actually apologize for the lowly act of spitting on another human being. Your legacy in my mind Mr Morgan?
A snarky kid who claimed Christ as his savior rather than Karma. Then later claims juju of the football gods as a factor. Gave all his effort to achieve the heights of God given ability only to fumble it away in a horrible attempt of unnecessary personal glory. Ices it off with spitting- without apology for the act. Your legacy is complete sir.
NO one should be spitting on anyone(except for convicted murderers and rapists). Yep, Drew has got a lot of soul-searching to do. If this type of behavior persists, he’s gonna spit on the WRONG person one day and get a life lesson the hardest way it can be taught. Let’s all hope he realizes this beforehand. HOGS YA’LL.
A lot of folks don’t see it, including the author which is the difference.
Don’t think this poster is complaining that he could not respond. But he is saying he miss the ability to respond directly to a written published article. It affords an aggregation of all views or responses that are specific to a written staff article. That is not to say nor dismiss the value brought forward by ability for any poster to write his/her own topic with opinion that may also create views.
It is big difference. I think most all accept that it is Long gone, but it is missed very much all the same.
That’s it exactly. Without a timely referenced response a singular post just gets lost amongst numerous topics. I can’t directly agree or disagree with an author of a story. i.e. As vexed as I am about the story subject material and I am also annoyed with the depth of the writers writing. But. Alas, there is no medium to tie. So, we’re left to careful readers to see more than just a vent about Morgan and his actions. I miss being able to interact with Richard’s Recruiting posts especially; as they are all locked up from reading much less being able to respond on a topic. Thanks for your attention to detail.
If the caption to the thread had not been “Drew Morgan” but instead had been “Article on Drew Morgan Apology” or something like that, wouldn’t that have accomplished the goal? I have seen lots and lots of post over the years that are captioned something like “Wally Hall Article Today” or who ever, whatever date/topic. I have seen the writers (not Wally, don’t get me wrong) respond to those comments.
I suppose, although it wasn’t Wally that authored the article. I’m speaking of. Which further makes the point of my displeasure of this forum. I rarely post or visit anymore. I find the forum broke and fragmented and unless you’re a paying customer apparently- rather uninformative. So I am left with a simple place to visit with fellow Hog fan on etheral thought processes.
I think you offer workaround option, however I don’t think it displaces what is in the minds of some that preferred the other experience. I chose to respond to you as you appear genuinely concerned as to why many may have referenced format concerns in the past? I think Baumbastic Hawg explained why they chose NOT to moderate both formats. Ultimately it was a business decision to stop using Disqus. All boards are not the same. Disqus used by WHS was on bleeding edge, whereas the current style is simply old school for those that have used new and become proficient with Disqus.
Don’t know how technical you are, but an analogy you may follow is at a time most all were using DSL Internet connection, along came Fiber. Not all had access to Fiber; but some did and used for years, life was good. Then comes along a merger, CEO of the new company decides it does not make sense to support and maintain DSL & Fiber infrastructures. DSL is cheaper and less direct to employees of new company. Fiber is removed. What you are reading, passion as I view it, is customers that really prefer Fiber and view as better. It is NOT to complain about DSL. They understand the workarounds to get same or similar results, but can’t believe CEO of a technology company would go backwards with features and functionality.
As for as our “UNCOMMON MEN”, I think at this point I’m perfectly fine with some good ole “COMMON MEN” considering what I seen this last week from our team.
Thanks for the discussion. I was never on the old WHS site. I have been on message boards for almost 20 years. I don’t know anything about Disqus, I will check into it out of curiosity! To me, (again, I was never on the old WHS site) all message boards are about the same. There are differences of course. I guess it is like saying their isn’t any real difference between a Hyundai Sonata and and Honda Accord. Yes, there are in fact differences, but to me, either one would get me to work, the seats feel about the same, they have very similar body styles, etc. etc. etc. There are Honda people who would probably kill me for even making that suggestion!
There were several functions of the old HI board that I really miss. That said, I find after I use a new thing for awhile, I get used to it. It is the change that bothers me most! (Showing my age here!!!) My son makes fun of me about that kind of stuff. When he switched me from IE to Firefox years ago I hated the change (don’t ask me why now!). Then he switched me from Firefox to Chrome, same thing!
I used to post and read on Rabid Hog Fans, then slowly migrated over to HI (did both for years and years). I have read Hogville some and posted a little. The other ones (can’t even think of their names right now) I have looked at from time to time. I find them very different in some ways, but more like (back to the car analogy) is the windshield wiper controls on the left side or right side, type of differences. Again, I will check out Disqus.
Never more than now, do I miss the ability to respond directly to written articles. Drew Morgan’s Twitter apology is a piss poor attempt to maintain his standing amongst the Razorback faithful. Nowhere did he actually apologize for the lowly act of spitting on another human being. Your legacy in my mind Mr Morgan?
A snarky kid who claimed Christ as his savior rather than Karma. Then later claims juju of the football gods as a factor. Gave all his effort to achieve the heights of God given ability only to fumble it away in a horrible attempt of unnecessary personal glory. Ices it off with spitting- without apology for the act. Your legacy is complete sir.[/
I have a lot more respect for Drew Morgan than your sorry ass. I would love for you to respond directly to me.
Pecos you’re entitled to your opinion of greatest. Excuse me if I raise the bar beyond his reach based on his comments, actions and his ownership of flaws and gregious errors. You want me to agree that he made some outstanding plays and worked very hard? I did that. Greatness? You want to put him in leagues with Burlsworth and Lucas?
He was a stellar athlete that achieved high level of execution of his craft. He’s regulated to the ilk of Cobbs and others. Excellent players who fell short of being Great Razorbacks I did not disparaged him I just reported the facts; if you find his actions a lower standard as I do, I don’t think Great is good description.
I had had held him in high regard until his comments earlier last week and completely lost any respect for him after the game incident. And he reinforced my feelings with a half baked apology. He is no example of what I think it is to be a Razorback. I sure some mothers of future recruits would agree with me.
Your putting Drew Morgan in the class of Cedric Cobbs, who has been arrested numerous times for a variety of criminal and immoral acts - including promoting prostitution, meth, cocaine, etc ?
I think some of the fan’s reaction has been a little over the top. Morgan’s actions was disgusting, but unforgivable? Don’t think so. It’s not like he knocked out a female bartender, was involved in gang activities, or assaulted a woman in a public bathroom. So this incident should not forever stain or mark his entire carrier as a student athlete at the University. For those individuals who’s Christian sensitivities have been offended by Morgan’s actions, might I give you; " Judge not lest ye be judged. He who is without sin, cast the first stone."
While I would agree that the acts themselves probably do not merit the same class categorization, the movie Trading Places comes to my mind in how both of these young men have dealt with adversity.
According to Linda Satter of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Cobbs avoiding jail came in part because his lawyer told the judge he is believed to be suffering from chronic traumatic encephalopathy from his days playing football. Cobbs’ lawyer said he’s been treated at a California clinic which specializes in sports-related brain injuries, and that reports from the center showed he was making progress. Cobbs told a judge that his divorce and inability to provide for his family after his short NFL career led to depression. “I became desperate. I became angry,” he said. “I felt that I was pretty much out here alone, . . . with no one showing me direction. I felt invisible.”
Lets hope Drew Morgan never finds himself in that situation, because if he does; it is hard to think how he may react given his behavior that was obviously fueled by two untimely mistakes during a football game.
With that said, whether it is players or coaches, I think the program and fan base should ALWAYS stand behind and in support of transgressions as Long as the player or coach is willing to make amends by visible atonement. That would be truly uncommon and the right way.
It appeared to me that Morgan had blood on his lips when he came off the field. Did anyone else notice that? When they didn’t say what the foul was at the time, I figured he had had thrown a punch in retaliation for a hit in the mouth.