Defense sucks, Rebounding sucks, shooting is horrendous..

At present Arkansas is in, not a bubble team. If they were to lose Saturday, that might change. This team has turned out to be pretty good, not as good as Florida or Kentucky, but there are only about a dozen teams in the country as good as they are. Had Florida missed a few of those clutch shots they made in the second half, or if that ridiculous call on Kingsley had been made correctly, we might have pulled this one out, or at least made it very close. We got too far behind early but were competitive the rest of the way. Florida is better than we are, but from what I saw tonight, the gap between us isn’t that big. Anderson has done a great job this year, putting a very competitive team on the floor, after last year’s setbacks. Mike White will be coach of the year, but Anderson should be second, or possibly Frank Martin.

I agree, MA should be in the conversation for coach of the yr. Let’s be honest, Arkansas has good talent, not great talent in the front court especially… This team is about where they should be…IMHO. I thought they were the 3rd or 4th best team in the SEC to start the yr, and that’s about where we are…

I wonder how many of these trolls will post after the first win in the Dance.