I was wondering if Matt Luke is going to continue his predecessors plan of making every game a bowl game. In that spirit and because it’s July and I’m bored…my Ole Miss Bowl Tour 2017:
Week 1 vs. South Alabama
The "We would rather be at the FloraBama" Bowl
Week 2 vs. Tenn-Martin
The "Well it's not the Vols but we don't want to play the Vols" Bowl
Week 3 vs. California
The "That's a long way to travel to get a beatin'" Bowl
Week 4 Bye Week
Week 5 vs. Alabama
The "Seriously? We had to wait two weeks for this whoopin'!" Bowl
Week 6 vs. Auburn
The "Oh my God! Two weeks in a row?" Bowl
Week 7 vs. Vanderbilt
The "This would normally be a win but dang Vandy is actually good" Bowl