Clank.. Hedlund comes through..

22 yards… Well at least we are going to make it interesting…

Hedlund may have come through; - - -but the BALL didn’t on that field goal try.

Hedlund is going to have to learn to hit those game clinching FG’s. He hasn’t hit one yet. AA sure doesn’t resemble choking big bro at all. You will never see me mention those two in the same post on this board again. Sorry to all the Hog fans I ever mentioned them together. AA is great and he didn’t wait until the last half of his senior year to show up. Great win! WPS!

It wasn’t there best snap. Holder had to catch the ball on his right shoulder.

Hasn’t anyone broken the news to him yet that he’s supposed to catch the ball in his hands? - - - - - I’m SHOCKED!

I actually thought he did really well up till that point. He kicked the ball accurately and high(unlike last year) on his first 2 FG’s. The bad snap may have played a part in the kick, but I’m actually more encouraged by Hedlund going forward. He needs more encouragement than smacking around. If you watched the 4th quarter the cameras made multiple views of Hedlund when TCU was making their push, so I believe he beat himself up plenty in that game. You’re doing well young man, keep it up. :wink: