Arkansas didn't even show up tonight..

I turned it off, no sense in watching that, they didn’t even show up. Vandy said those chumps lost to Mizzou, we should be able to kill them then, and they came out and did exactly that.

Obviously it’s not working out, I know MA has good classes coming in, but it’s not working out. All of this money spent on facilities hasn’t helped them at all, the basketball is slightly worse than in the past.

This is their problem, their so worried about how they look, what the score is, they don’t play defense, or for that matter even offense tonight…
Mike Anderson has lost control over his team, they quit playing for him… It’s not going to workout no matter who Arkansas brings in to play. We need a complete overhaul…

Agree with Jeff!!! I’ve been saying this for the past 2 years. CMA system just don’t work and the players don’t know what to do in a half court offense. Then you don’t play defense and you get killed.

Wow! We are done! Live in Nashville but won’t be making any SEC tourney games. Either Anderson doesn’t recruit kids he can motivate, or he can’t motivate, or he simply isn’t a good basketball coach – whichever, it’s not working. Time for Jeff Long to end this bad experiment and let someone start rebuilding a once special program.

What is so sad is that there is a lot of talent on this team, more than enough to compete at a high level in the SEC at least. Particularly since the SEC is still pretty weak in bball. I thought they played a great game against Alabama, who beat SC on the road tonight. But now we lose the last two games to the worst teams in the conference. This late in the season teams shouldn’t be this inconsistent. After 6 years I am definitely losing faith in this coaching staff.

That perception the last few years is changing. SEC was a joke outside of Florida and Kentucky, until about 3-4 years ago. Now teams are catching up to them and to other conferences. The conference BPI keeps rising as well.

Whether or not any of the foregoing is valid is beside the point. Long is not going to Replace Anderson. That would, in his mind, be admitting a mistake, something his ego will not allow him to do.