FINAL - 2016 HA’s 3rd Annual Hog Call 9/3/2016
2015 Hog Call World Champion - rlw59 7-5 #18
2014 Hog Call World Champions - dwp007 6-6, rmmr 6-6, westTxhawg 6-6, InivictaHOG 6-6, Hawgfan100 6-6, joymtnhawg 6-6, Puerto Rican Hog 6-6, jeff e 6-6, ColoradoHog1 6-6, jmunn 6-6, ralot 6-6, LondonHawg 6-6, ljs769_aolcom 6-6, fearthetsunami 6-6
2016 DEADLINE will be 9/2 Like last year; NO EXCEPTIONS after the deadline. Posters are responsible for any edits or corrections, errors are part of the game. Predictions are voluntary. Total of 12 games for regular season. Must be number of wins and number of losses. NA - means you lose that tiebreaker. You may change your prediction as Long as it is on or before 9/2.
#1 Hogs Final AP Ranking (Must be Top 25 ranking or UR. Default = NA)
#2 Total TDs passes thrown by Austin Allen (Default = NA)
*Totals will be calculated after ALL games (Regular, SEC Champ, Bowls, Playoff and NC)
Note: Contestant must not be banned from WHS in order to win. If a Hog Call Champion is banned for any reason at any time by any WHS Staff, the Hog Call Champion will be awarded to the next closest contestant to winning without regard to the numbers of wins selected as long as contestant is in good standing with WHS.
Good Luck and Woo Pig!!!
Pig Trough 4-8, UR, 3TD
TheSaintlyOne 5-7, UR, 13TD
lrjdeezy 5-7, UR, 14TD
hognificant 6-6, UR, 15TD
rlw59 6-6, UR, 17TD
joymtnhawg 7-5, #18, 32TD
aaucoach11121306 7-5, #23, 16TD
HonestAbeHog 7-5, #25, 25TD
Gilmo 7-5, UR, 16TD
hogjohn 7-5, UR, 20TD
HogAuthority 7-5, UR, 22TD
Jimmy Carter 7-5, UR, 25TD
Rick Fires 7-5, NA, NA
Tom Murphy 7-5, NA, NA
Bob Holt 7-5, NA, NA
westTxhawg 8-4, #15, 22TD
Arnold Ziffel 8-4, #16, 24TD
tnrazorhog 8-4, #17, 24TD
HDhog 8-4, #17, 22TD
ThunderPig 8-4, #17, 23TD
dwp007 8-4, #18, 22TD
Smash 8-4, #18, 22TD
Ima Hawg 8-4, #19, 21TD
Hawgfan1 8-4, #19, 25TD
ColoradoHog1 8-4, #20, 15TD
NEAHogfan 8-4, #20, 24TD
HogTusk 8-4, #21, 21TD
karreemofwheat 8-4, #21, 20TD
Razorhead 8-4, #22, 23TD
SuiGeneris 8-4, #23, 26TD
Hog65 8-4, #23, 22TD
HogALong 8-4, 24, 22TD
NCHog123235151 8-4, UR, 18TD
hawginTN 8-4, UR, 24TD
Matt Jones 8-4, NA, NA
Dudley Dawson 8-4, NA, NA
LeGrandOurs 9-3, #8, 20TD
trb15 9-3 #9, 23TD
dakotahog 9-3, #9, 23TD
hawg4life 9-3, #10, 25TD
fearthetsunami 9-3, #11, 26TD
Puerto Rican Hog 9-3, #11, 21TD
squealer 9-3, #12, 19TD
RickyBaw 9-3, #12, 22TD
Franklinhog 9-3, #12, 22TD
razorfan4life 9-3, #12, 23TD
Hawgfan100 9-3, #12, 27TD
knoxvillehawg25 9-3, #13, 27TD
ralot 9-3, #13, 18TD
rawsteel 9-3, #14 19TD
BatonRougeHog 9-3, #14, 20TD
Hog4Life 9-3, #14, 25TD
mrc005 9-3, #15, 22TD
Arlingtonhog 9-3, #15 24TD
HogHip 9-3, #16, 26TD
Hogbacker 9-3, #16, 17TD
BJSeal 9-3, #17, 23TD
SCHog59 9-3, #18, 19TD
alwhitney59 9-3, #19, 29TD
inthearena 9-3, #21, 26TD
Clay Henry 9-3, NA, NA
memphishog 10-2 #4, 21TD
RonH54 10-2, #6, 29TD
core5 10-2, #7, 22TD
hourayhar 10-2, #7, 25TD
poochpunt 10-2, #8, 22TD
Lesfrost 10-2, #9, 19TD
springdale85 10-2, #10, 23TD
mcsooie 10-2, #12, 28TD
Thomas8503 10-2, #15, 28TD
MattRiley501 11-1, #5, 27TD
RZBKinCA 11-1, #5, 29TD