I am presently on a cruise ship in the Bahamas and their lousy internet made it really difficult to stream the softball game last night. And maybe it was my dislike of the internet, but at one point, the two announcers spent more time touting California softball and UCLA and the PAC 12, than they did discussing the game that was actually being played. Someone needs to let them know we didn’t tune in to hear about games involving PAC 12 teams years ago. And if you don’t know anything about the teams playing the actual game, so you could talk about them, then find another job. I think the KB Sides story would be worth a mention, and the girl who transferred from Texas, there is a story. But what we got was Holly Rowe doing research on some small tow in California. At least there was a connection there to the Texas pitcher. But wouldn’t it be nice to get that detail on the Arkansas kids? Signed me hot in the Bahamas!
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She did that because the Texas starting pitcher was from that small town in California.
And Courtney Deifel played in the Pac-12 years ago.
I figured the game thread last night would be full of Beth Mowins complaints because there is no radio option to turn down the sound. Surprisingly not.
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I thought of that too. I actually think she is well suited to Softball.
Beth is growing on me.
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