Edge Auction

I came across the Arkansas Edge online auction. I’m not sure who organizes this and/or sets prices, but if I can suggest some constructive criticism, I think lowering the starting bidding price would allow some items that went unsold to sell, and allow the average fan to enter the bidding.

I would have loved to bid on several of these things, but couldn’t because of the starting prices. if the prices had been lowered, even if the end price reached/exceeded the starting price, at least I would have felt the thrill and involvement of having a chance.

Would love to see more stuff like this, with more price point options. Seeing the video calls made me think of Cameo. Mussellman, Devo, Kamani, Jaylin, Chris Lykes were all on Cameo for a period of time and I purchased videos from all of them for family. They had way lower price points, granted, they made a video for you/your loved one, and it was not an actual video call, but the idea is there.

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