I have a placard affixed at optimal viewing position on my front storm door which reads, “I shoot every tenth door-to-door salesman; - - and the ninth just left”.
I read this and recollected how you had past stated you did not reside in the great state of Arkansas. Perhaps lucky for you if you had the slightest intent to to back up the warning on that placard. Your post brought to mind something that happened years ago on my rural property in north central Arkansas. I had been dealing with teenage vandals. My east and west property line boundaries ran about 15 hundred feet. I constructed two heavy duty NO TRESPASSING signs and nailed them on about 8’ posts and placed one on each side of my property about midway down that 1500 foot property boundary. Everything was fine for several weeks and then one evening I came in to see my signs destroyed and laying upon the ground. I got the AK 47, the shotgun and the .357 pistol all loaded and cut loose with about 30 rounds evenly shared with my weaponry. I then hollered, “Come on back and visit several times.” Well, in about 20 minutes here came the county sheriff’s deputy up the driveway. He of course started berating me like I was 10 years old. I listened of course until he finished because rule Number One is do not start interrupting them ever. I then stated, "Look at my destroyed NO TRESPASSING signs. He said NO TRESPASSING signs mean absolutely nothing in Arkansas Law. He then said no more hollering and gun play. I said OK and he left. However I never bothered to replace the signs after what the deputy said about signs meaning nothing in Arkansas. I did set up a firing range on the back of my property after that though with great results in warding off those punks.
War, I’m curious as to what County you’re in. My father had a very similar issue a few years back and the Sherriff told him to put up the signs “to make it more legal.” So, I’m curious about the two different Sherriff’s statements.
It was Cleburne County. I think the only issue would be enforcing laws concerning Criminal Trespass. You obviously cannot shoot anyone for trespassing although I have heard the government can do it. I did already have fencing surrounding my property. Maybe that negated the necessity for me needing signs. I am no lawyer. I don’t know why your father got different legal advice. Maybe me having the deputy somewhat riled had some bearing as well.
bakedhog, I believe I may have inadvertently attributed one of your preceding posts to WarHog. If that is indeed the case, I humbly beg your pardon. I did not intend to slight you.
In regard to the effectiveness of signage; - - -one day in Oklahoma City some years ago, I chanced to be a passenger on a mass trans city bus due to my car being in the shop. The bus driver pulled to the side of the street, parked the bus, and walked back to the seat directly across the aisle from mine where a sailor in uniform was nonchalantly smoking a cigarette. “Sailor”, the bus driver petulantly groused, "don’t you see that sign right over your head that reads, “No Smoking”? The sailor casually glanced up at the indicated sign, took another puff, and then calmly replied, “Yeah, I see it; but the one next to it says “Wear Playtex Girdles” - - - so I ain’t paying any attention to either one of’em”.